Familiar Views
2014 - ongoing
The images are focused around a common view, following how intimate sceneries come out of our everyday visual background. Every place is, or could be, someone's landscape, so I cut out the very specific, adapting the recording position to each apartment's structure.
"Familiar views" documents what one sees daily, with windows drawing the boundary between two pictures, one containing the other. The images presents a boarder, a relation marked by a dual interpretation. This construction, of both interior and landscape, lets the viewer choose his side of the paired everyday tableau. Which perspective is more intimate, in this layered voyeurism? The one recording the apartments's details, or the look out the window? It could be both, as the two layers blend, in what i intend as assimilated reality: the one we tend not to observe anymore, swallowed and covered by our visual routine.
The project started in 2014 and is ongoing. All the images were taken in Bucharest, Romania.
available in series of 80x65cm